Good Things Keep Happening in Sunday School

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Summer Sunday School keeps humming along with new expressions of peace each week that have involved cooperative games, a rainbow of footprints, water balloons, oobleck, birdhouses, everyBODY faith stories, and more. Thanks to all our adult and youth leaders who have transformed the middle parking lot into a fun and sacred space.

Mark your calendars for even more ways your kids can make God’s love and peace visible in the world this summer:

·        Communion in God’s Creation: On Aug 22, we’ll be setting Christ’s table right in the middle of that sacred kid space of ours and remembering the communion story together. Kids will add bright and bold color to their outdoor space and bring their own voices to this special remembrance. How amazing to set a communion table under the trees!

·        Blessing Bags: On Aug 29, the kids will join forces with the Homelessness Task Force to assemble blessing bags. Blessing bags are Ziplocks filled with some simple comforts like new socks, a comb and shampoo, bandaids, a McDonald’s card, a small flashlight, and a list of shelter and support resources. These are designed to keep in your car so you can quickly respond to someone in need in the moment. Thanks to HTF for inviting the kids to help them in their ministry in this important way! Our goal is to have a blessing bag for everyone coming out of church after worship!

·        Tie-Dye Tie Up: On Sept. 5, it will get messy again to have a fun way to tie up our summer PeaceWorks lessons. We’ll be tie-dying cotton t-shirts for ourselves to remind us to be bold peacemakers! And to remind us that it takes all our unique and colorful boldness together to create a world of peace. (Look for more info. coming home—but plan now to have your child bring a washed, 100% cotton t-shirt to Sunday School. And dress for mess. We’ll take it from there.)

Finally, know that the Christian Ed. Ministry has decided to keep the outdoor fun and learning going all through September! We were well prepared to start classes inside this fall, but it seems safest for our kids to enjoy their outdoor classroom as long as we can. So, the next set of lessons is already being created. In fact, it’s all about Creation! Stay tuned for more details!