The "Pick Two" Principle

The First Rule of Safety at Fauntleroy Church: The “Pick Two” Principle

In the effort to make understanding safety as easy as possible, we have implemented an over-arching “pick two” principle. At the present time, every group and every individual is expected to choose two of the following three ways to keep one another safe:

  • Mask (ages 2+)

  • Distance (six feet apart unless sitting/standing with members of your own household)

  • Gather outside


Exceptions to this “Pick Two” Principle will only be allowed in these instances:

  • Designated church worship leadership on the sanctuary chancel/stage will be allowed to unmask when distanced from others and fully vaccinated.

  • Nursery attendants in our indoor nursery will mask, but they will not be able to distance themselves from babies and toddlers. Additional safety precautions will be taken.

Vaccinated church employees will be allowed to unmask inside the building as long as there are no other people in close proximity.