
9:30 Zoom Lenten Sunday School for Kids

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Dear friends,

Thank you, Carolyn and Bill, for leading Sunday School last Sunday! Thanks for talking with the kids about how love and anger actually go together sometimes.  

We hope to see the kids again this Sunday at 9:30. BUT, we’ll only see you if you remember to turn your clocks forward. (Yes, already.) We’ll have two more amazing teachers: Sarah Finney and Lisa Corbin. This week we’ll be talking about…love, again! Lent is a time of preparing ourselves for Easter by paying close attention to how Jesus is living and loving so we can follow Jesus’ example. In the Bible, there are stories of Jesus healing people, feeding people, loving people, standing up for people who were not being loved, teaching people about God, praying for people, praying for himself, giving of himself….Jesus showed love in so, so many ways so we would know what love means, how to be a part of it, how to share it. To get the Sunday School link, go to the weekly Highlights or contact the church office.

See the attachment for one way your family could share love with others this coming week. It’s a list of canned and shelf stable foods that are needed at the Welcome Table in White Center. We support this gathering by preparing meals for about 100-150 people at least once a month. Those that come to the Welcome Table Saturday meal are homeless or living on the edge financially. Besides a meal, people can share fellowship, take home some groceries, personal items, clothing, COVID masks—things that might make their week a little easier and stretch their resources farther. Consider how this service project might stretch your heart and enrich your Lenten journey.

I look forward to seeing the kids this Sunday at 9:30 in ZOOM Sunday School!

Rev. Karyn Frazier


9:30 Sunday Morning Virtual Lenten Sunday School for Kids

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This week in our new pop-up ZOOM Sunday School, kids will be wondering about John 2: 13-22. What does love look like when it needs to be peaceful? What does love look like when it needs to be powerful? Can love and anger go together? Another dream team is teaching this Sunday at 9:30: Bill Zoellner and Carolyn Tucker. ZOOM Sunday School starts at 9:30 and is 30 minutes of friendship and faithful wondering. We’re done in time for worship at 10AM. To get the link, go to the weekly Highlights or contact the church office.