Can you Help? Sunday School Service Projects!


What good is it to talk about peace in Sunday School or about being the body of Christ if we don’t put our words into action?  Our Sunday School leaders and kids have two easy ways for you to bring your hands and hearts to some simple peacework.

1.   August 8, our scripture focuses on the story of Jesus washing the disciples’ feet to teach them about serving one another. Well, as we were getting our lesson words together, we found out the residents at Camp Second Chance needed bath towels and fitted twin sheets. You know what we need to do, right?  

Help us collect some new bath towels (not the heaviest kind because they take too long to dry) and twin fitted sheets (only the bottom sheet and not the flat). On Aug 8, look for a bin out by the sanctuary doors or at the Sunday School sign-in table at Fellowship Hall. Can you imagine how much comfort a clean towel and sheet could bring to someone who has mostly known discomfort?

2.    Then Aug. 29 we’ll be assembling “blessing bags” in Sunday School with the Homelessness Taskforce. These will be filled with essentials like toiletries, a pair of socks, a McDonald’s card, and an encouraging note that can be handed to someone on the street in a moment of need. Nothing to do here but take a blessing bag home with you on Aug. 29! Carry the blessing bag in your car so you are ready to help someone wherever they are in need on life’s journey.