Gathering in Body and Spirit

It has been over a year since we were last able to open the church up and be together in worship and fellowship.  Throughout the pandemic, the Re-Gathering Task Force, Church Council, ministries, and church staff have been planning for a time when we could all safely gather in our church building again. That time has come!

Starting July 11th, we will be welcoming our congregation back into the church building for worship and gatherings. In order to make it safe for all, we need to have some precautions in place. For those of you who liked our virtual services, we will continue to offer live streamed worship services on YouTube for those who cannot or choose not to return in-person at this time. This hybrid worship plan allows us to live out our mission and truly live out the phrase we say to each other “Whoever you are, and wherever you are on life’s journey, you are welcome here.” Take a look at this video to see how we will make this happen in a way that allows everyone to be safe.