Introducing Valerie Davis, our Summer Interim Children and Youth Ministry Coordinator

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Many things will be new to us when we regather in-person on July 11, including a new face who will be working with our children and youth. Valerie Davis will be joining the Fauntleroy Church staff from the beginning of July through mid-August, stepping into the role of our 15 hour/week Interim Children and Youth Ministry Coordinator. 

Valerie is from Ferguson, Missouri, where she lives with her spouse, Andrew, and three dogs: Smokey, Riley and Rosie. She is very close with her family, which includes siblings, Justin, Karen and Kaleb; 8 year-old nephew, Evan; and 3.5 year-old niece, Addalyn.  Valerie is an early education special education instructional assistant who has worked for the Ferguson-Florissant School District for nine years. She is also an active volunteer counselor at Camp MoVal (UCC) in Missouri and DuBois Center (UCC) in Illinois and former program staff member at Camp MoVal. Pastor Leah has known Valerie since she was a camper and youth of the Missouri Mid-South Conference, and came to know her well when Valerie volunteered as a counselor for a three-year run of Hunger Games justice-oriented camps for older youth that Leah co-directed. Leah credits Valerie with making it possible for her to simultaneously co-direct and parent a very busy two year-old in her third year with that camp series, as Valerie has a natural way of stepping in to support others, helping implement plans and offering a calming, caring presence. And children love her too! 

Valerie grew up at Immanuel United Church of Christ in Ferguson, Missouri -- one of the larger UCC churches in the greater St. Louis area and a church that had a very active youth and children's program. Valerie says that what she most likes about working with children in a faith setting is that "I get to be a part of planting seeds in their life that remind them that God is there no matter what." 

Valerie is excited for this summer adventure to an area of the country she has never visited before. While in Seattle, she's looking forward to seeing the beach for the first time and enjoying some cooler temperatures. 

"I look forward to jumping in and welcoming each and every child and adult of Fauntleroy Church back with a smile" Valerie says. We're smiling back, Valerie. Welcome to Fauntleroy Church!