Meet and Welcome Our Two New Staff Members


Deacon owned his own cleaning company for many years before retiring. Retirement didn’t suit him, so he went back to work. Most recently, he has served as a cleaning supervisor at SeaTac airport, a job he continues as he begins his time with us.

Deacon refers to Beaumont, Texas as “home,” but has lived in Seattle many years and raised his family here. He is an active leader in his own church and glad to add us to those he knows in the broader Church community.

Deacon started work with us this week, and as some activity resumes in the building, will be at the church M, T, W, Th mornings and Saturdays as needed for events and other needs. He looks forward to meeting more and more people, including many more of our wonderful volunteers who do so much in caring for the building and grounds. If you happen to stop by next week, wish him a happy birthday (it’s August 2)!


Carol Gilderoy.jpg

Carol will begin in mid-August. She is a newer member of Fauntleroy Church, bravely joining us while we were still on-line, but she has been a part of the UCC for 27 years. She was confirmed at Alki UCC, where she also worked as the Nursery Attendant. Most recently, Carol was a member at Wayside UCC, where she wore many hats: wedding coordinator, Sunday School volunteer, Fellowship Co-Chair, Church Moderator…Whoosh.

Carol is currently a paraeducator in the Federal Way School District, floating between four kindergarten classrooms, offering support to the teachers by assisting with classroom manage-ment, caring for children with behavior-related needs, and tutoring students who need extra help with the lessons. When schools closed, she found herself teaching and supporting K-5th graders on-line and in all new ways.  Whoosh, again.

In other words, Carol steps into the part-time position of Children and Youth Ministries Coordinator with many gifts that will be a blessing to this church. When we asked Carol why she applied for the job, she said it was more that she felt drawn to it like a calling. Carol says she is grateful for the opportunity to help the next generation (including her lovely daughter Beth!) understand God’s love for all. Actually, she said that should be at the center of what the church is about.