Welcome Table Service - December 16

Although Christmas should be a time of joy, for many of our neighbors, it’s a time of heightened anxiety. Concerns about not having enough money for food or presents for your kids can easily overwhelm the mystery and joy of our Savior’s birth.

Consequently, the Westside Interfaith Network (WIN) commits to making one free Saturday lunch in December extra special. This year that special day was Dec. 16, when our congregation prepared and served an especially delicious meal for more than 150 guests.

But that’s not all -- WIN faith communities made sure that everyone who came for a hot meal could depart with tangible evidence that their neighbors cared for them like family:

  • Other WIN churches worked together to assemble 150+ gift bags of household products, toiletries, clothing, and special items to brighten their holidays.

  • Fauntleroy Church provided two categories of “special” gifts:

    • Mary Anne DeVry led an extraordinary effort to assemble 38 backpacks (all with reflective strips for safety) for unhoused men and women.  Each contained blankets, rain ponchos, clothing, hygiene items, food, flashlights, and pure gifts. The bags for women even included an assortment of cosmetics!

    • Supported by your donations through our giving tree, Judy Pickens assembled 30 unisex, age-appropriate gift bags so that children at the meal could leave with presents of their very own. Thank you for supporting this wonderful ministry!

As always, our neighbors were deeply appreciative for the wonderful food you prepared and everyone left infused with a bit more joy of the season!